Thursday, June 5, 2014

A "ferry" tale road trip day 3, June 4, 2014

Today was a day for strolls and sitting on the beach. After breakfast we headed over to Haynes Point Provincial Park for a short walk around the wetlands interperative trail there. 

Entering Haynes Point Provincial Park

Wetland map.

Part of the Wetland pathway.

Following that we headed up the side of the valley a bit to the Irrigation Canal Walkway. This trail follows an old irrigation canal. We walked from the southern parking area to the tunnel under Highway 3 before returning to the car.

At the trailhead

Along the way

Tunnel under the highway

Next stop: Jojo's Cafe on Main Street. We had coffee and shared a delicious sandwich and desert. The food was great as was the atmosphere. We sat by the front of the cafe with the garage type door that makes up much of its facade open to the street.

After lunch we found a sandy beach to sit on for a while not far from our hotel. We both dipped our feet in but decided it was still a little too cold for a swim. We also took a spin down Lakeshore Drive just to see what was there.

After that we drove to Lions Park beach on the west side of town. This was a more of a stone beach so we sat at a picnic table admiring the view and the boldness of a couple of starlings. They would walk almost to our feet looking at as as if to say "what have you got for me?"

The not so timid starling.

View from Lions Park, Osoyoos

What's a car blog without a car picture?

We then decided to drive up to the northern end of the Irrigation Canal Walkway but once we got there we figured it was a bit too hot and exposed. So it was off to a grocery store to pick up some supper and then back to the hotel for the rest of the evening.

Thanks for following along.

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